EBANX Payment Processing for Shared Economy

Have a top-performing payments partner for shared economy business models in rising economies

Manage your transactions from pay-ins (receiving payments from customers) to payouts (paying your contractors or gig workers). Cover all your business payment flows and operations with EBANX's superior performance.

Go further with EBANX

Trusted by global sharing economy platforms:

With a superior performance payments platform to enhance P2P connections within your shared economy business

+0.2 ppt average uplift in approval rates 

based on unique user and/or order level for our global shared economy merchants in a one-year period.*

-0.5 ppt of average decrease in chargeback rates

for our global shared economy merchants in a one year period.*

*Data collected between 2021 and 2022. It may vary according to the country.

EBANX is ready to empower shared economy businesses, including: shared transportation, space, financial, food, health-care, knowledge & education, task service, items and goods, and other shared segments. 

Our platform delivers maximum availability and it is equipped with superior features to optimize your contractors (producers, creators, gig-workers, etc.) end-user experiences:

99.99% uptime

Smart routing

Customer Score

Trusted MID

Account Card Updates

UX improvements

Complete reconciliation - including payments, chargebacks and refunds information

Automatic recurring billing and PCI DSS compliant tokenization

One-click payments

Retry Logic

Partnerships with multiple local acquirers in each country where we operate

Fast and guaranteed settlement in merchant's currency

Clear Dashboard and on-demand analytic reports

The trillion dollar global sharing economy market

Expected to reach USD 1.5 trillion in 2024

Growing at a CAGR of 31.9% for the forecast period of 2019 to 2024

Source: BCC Research - 2020

The shared economy (or gig economy) is booming worldwide, including in Latin America and Africa. The Latin American ride-hailing and food delivery market, for example, is expected to reach USD 10.2 billion by the end of 2022 and increase more than 22% compared to 2021, according to AMI. 

There are, however, some challenges to increase sales and attract and retain high performance contractors. Visa conducted a survey with 2,326 gig workers from several countries in Latin America, Europe, North America, and Asia, and found that 46% of the respondents would like to get paid faster, while 77% said that there are times when they urgently needed their money. Also, 9 out of 10 respondents are likely to sign up for instant payments. 

Besides the above mentioned context, EBANX is also ready to tackle other challenges faced by shared economy business models such as:

Receive payments

  • Settling funds outside the origin market

  • Streamlining reconciliation payments

  • Having detailed payment information and traceability 

  • Automating payments management (generation, confirmation, chargeback and refunds)

  • Monitoring risky customers/transactions

  • Reducing costs with fixed FX rate (+ tax efficiency)

Make payouts

  • Decreasing operational overhead of mass payout processes 

  • Performing and controlling micropayment confirmations 

  • Payout contractors fast and consistently 

  • Offering contractors' preferred payment methods and pay them in local currencies

Manage recurring payments

  • Automated billing and invoicing

  • ​​Handling of all billing-related support queries

  • Ensure tools and mechanisms to reduce churn

  • Ensure tools and mechanisms for the best approval rates

Get Started

Receive payments from customers and pay your contractors seamlessly through
built-to-fit solutions


Increase your revenue by receiving payments from customers with superior performance. ave access to more than 100 payment methods - including credit & debit cards, digital wallets, instant payments, cash & voucher payments, and bank transfers -  in 18 countries (within Latin America and Africa) and 14 different currencies. all within a single platform with a global settlement network and local support.

More about Pay-In


Uplift your contractors, producers, gig-workers, or any suppliers' retention and satisfaction rates by paying them locally and with their preferred way in Latin America in a quick and safe way with a 94% average success rate. Relying on traditional payout systems can delay payments due to tax complexity, regulations, currency fluctuation, and other issues. Our Payout solution, however, reduces operational overhead by supporting single and mass payouts, has a streamlined payee onboarding, allows several payment methods - including bank transfers, digital wallets and instant payments, is fully compliant with all local regulations, and confirm payments in under 10 minutes (for alternative payment methods) and up to 2 business days (for bank transfers).

More about Payout


Subscription-based models are common among shared economy businesses. If that it is your case, our innovative platform has solutions with superior performance to grow your subscriber base and reduce consumer attrition with a unified reconciliation in 18 growing economies (in Latin America and Africa), direct connections to all card issuers, tokenization, retry logic, acquirer redundancy, smart routing, automatic card updates, and trusted MID. You can also benefit from EBANX partnership Recurly - the leading subscription management & billing platform.

More about Recurring Billing
Use Case #1

Boosting conversion rates through a popular digital wallet in Latin America

A global shared transportation merchant was able to uplift its conversion rate by +7ppt with a new product/experience created in collaboration with MercadoPago Connect - a new payment option in Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. The user experience integration and operation was designed under EBANX's expertise.

Use Case #2

Growing 600% across 6 Latin American countries within 4 years

After partnering with EBANX in 2018, a multinational shared e-learning platform grew 600%, and it is now present in 6 Latin American countries and accessing  +25 local payment methods. This growth was also supported by EBANX local market expertise, by working together to enhance the experience for both creators and end users.

See why you should choose EBANX

And more

Local and diverse payment methods to let your customers pay and your contractors receive their funds according to their preferences

Expanding economies are highly dependent on alternative payment methods so, through EBANX, you will access more than 100 payments methods for single or recurring transactions, and several options for payouts. This way you will leverage both your customers and contractors satisfaction. 

  • Diverse payment methods from credit (installments available) and debit cards to alternative options such as vouchers, instant payment, digital wallets, and popular local bank transfers.

  • International, domestic or mixed funds settlement

  • Local currency availability to charge customers

  • Multiple, single or partial refunds, wherever it is necessary, for almost every payment method

See all payment methods

A smart anti-fraud solution to balance security with performance

Your shared economy business and users need protection when it comes to payments, especially in expanding economies where fraud risks are higher. Therefore, our payment solutions are protected by Shield, our smart ant-fraud solution with:

  • Machine learning for behavior score

  • Chargeback guarantee with low rates

  • Block and trust lists to avoid blocking trusted clients

  • Robust validation scheme with payment capture to acquirers and banks validation.

  • Manual Review with EBANX's Fraud Specialists to reduce false declines while preventing fraud

  • A/B testing

  • False-positive measuring

  • Device fingerprint

More about Shield

Flexible and convenient integrations

EBANX takes the heavy-lifting of integrations by providing developers support to our merchants so the process can be streamlined. There are different integration options to fit our merchants' business model, capabilities, strategy, and available resources.

  • Direct API - reverse personalized integration to generate fully transparent checkouts

  • Payment Link - manually generated payment links to cut the need for complex integrations

  • Drop-In - complete white-label and customizable checkout with no page redirection

  • Payment Page - practical and safe checkout page managed by EBANX 

  • Industry Channels - over 15 EBANX partners to be integrated with, including Stripe, Worldpay, Worldline, and Recurly

See all integrations

World-class support to streamline your shared economy operations

Count on a world-class support and local advisory through a dedicated team of experts with reduced response time - less than 24 hours average handling time (SLA). They are also available according to your time-zone and in multiple regions (Latin America, US, Europe and APAC). 

  • Regular planning and analytical meetings

  • Merchant operational support

  • Market intelligence

  • Growth and marketing strategies

  • Close performance monitoring

  • Identification of opportunities

  • Roadmap for improvement

Ready to connect more people through payments and scale your shared economy business with EBANX?

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Stick to the ultimate trends in the Shared Economy industry and the payments solutions provided by EBANX.

2022/2023 Beyond Borders

The rise of creators’ economy in Latin America & the challenge of micropayments

Read Chapter

Acquiring and Retaining Subscribers

Download Whitepaper

Payments for the Sharing Economy as a competitive adge

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One Pager

EBANX Micropayments

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