EBANX Community
The social pillar of ESG has been an important part of EBANX culture since 2012 and has led our actions in supporting causes that truly change people's lives. Between cultural, educational, and social projects, we have directed our efforts toward a better world.
We strive to create opportunities that will positively change the world.
EBANX believes that constructive culture generates empowerment, knowledge, personal fulfillment, and social transformation. Our goal is to make a positive cultural impact on society to foster diversity and visibility. By doing so, we support initiatives that connect people and promote cultural representations in different formats.
In an increasingly globalized and digitalized world, EBANX promotes technology education initiatives. We believe that providing better access and understanding of technology has a positive effect on communities across the globe.

Códigos do Amanhã – Project
To help support our technology education initiative, in 2022, we launched Códigos do Amanhã, an IT course that educates students in areas of technology that can help build a better future.
In complement to a dynamic curriculum, the course includes mentorship programs, a corporate journey with hard and soft skill specialists, and employment initiatives for the participants.
The project is aimed at vulnerable people and is based on diversity and inclusion principles. In 2023, the second edition of the program takes place for a new class of 50 people.
Graduation Códigos do Amanhã 2023
Funding Notice
Do you have a community project that can benefit from EBANX's support? From tax benefits to direct sponsorship, EBANX promotes varied opportunities.

Documentary script workshop at the IV Griot Contemporary Black Film Festival
EBANX 22/23 Funding Notice
Fundraising Notice 22/23 was opened in December 2022 for incentives via Mecenato Subsidiado and was preferred for the initiatives in the verticals: the democratization of culture, female protagonism, black protagonism, and diversity.
See all approved projects from previous funding notices
II Mostra de Teatro Negro de Curitiba
6º Festival Internacional de Percussão de Curitiba
A Fuga
Ahosi as Guardiãos
BRIO BREU - quando a noite surgiu em minha casa e virou minha irmã
Bruxa Onilda no Circo
Curitiba do Alto
Dicionário de Cinema (2ª Edição)
Dramaturgia TransCuritibana
Entre Leituras
FAMA - Festival Artístico Mulheres Algures, femininas palavras
Flores Sendo nos Muros
GRIOT - IV Festival de Cinema Negro Contemporâneo
Histórias de Ilé - Os mistérios da natureza
Mostra Musical Periférica - Artindep
Meia Lua - Simetria
Mundo de uma só
Projeto Herbert Daniel
Sonora Curitiba - Música, História e Educação nas Quatro Estações
II Mostra de Cinemas Africanos (Curitiba)
6ª Edição da FIMS
A Aranha Marrom
Arapuca ou eva dando voltas no Paraíso
Casa Izabel - Finalização Longa Metragem
Coleção Escrever o Cinema
Contos Circulação
Contos do Bosque
Encontro Internacional de Mulheres da Cena
Leitura e recepção de autores paranaenses
Longevidade com Qualidade de Vida
Meu Pedaço da Mandioca
Mostra Contos por todos os cantos
Movimentos sobre a Cidade
O Lugar Antes de Mim
Onde Está Flora?
Pelo Direito à Vida III
Reconectar Memórias
Somos o que perdemos - Eneida
Sonhar é Preciso
TUC Musical
Turnê Fato Paraná
Um Grito Parado no Ar
Venusiana - Mayah
Vozes - Memórias Calada
Festival Internacional de Graffiti
CiaSenhas ACIONA: Dramaturgas em Cena
A Cigarra e a Formiga
Muchas Minas
Circuito Griot
Circo Dr. Leão
Mostra de Cinema Africano
Mesa Posta
Na Pele
5 peças para 5 dançarinas