The Gaming Expansion Playbook

Unlock the Secrets and Opportunities of the Fastest-Growing Gaming Markets

Attention mobile, PC, and console gaming companies! It is time to embark on a strategic journey to dominate gaming frontiers in Latin America, Africa, and India with EBANX. From valuable market insights and exclusive data to hints on how to “win the gaming business expansion game” through payments in 2024. Are you ready to play?

Strategic Insights to Craft Your Gaming Business Expansion Blueprint in 2024

Latin America, Africa, and APAC collectively contribute to almost 60% of the global video gaming market revenue, accompanied by a remarkable surge in the number of players in these vibrant regions.

Global Gaming Revenue
Per Region

Growth Drivers

  • Mobile-first societies

  • Affordable internet access and increasingly better ICT infrastructure

  • Digital transactions - LatAm & Africa are the fastest-growing markets for digital transaction

  • Young population - especially in Africa

  • Rising disposable income and a thriving middle-class

…. And more!

Expansion Challenges to Overcome

  • Navigating diverse indirect gaming sales channels

  • Offering limited payment methods to players

  • Adapting to each local market preferences when it comes to language, customer support, UX, UI, payments, and checkout

  • Currency fluctuations and consumer purchasing power

  • Complying with each country’s tax and regulations

    …. And more!

Unlock the Numbers and Insights

A Powerful Playbook to Help Your Gaming Business Expand Confidentially Across Latin America, Africa, and India

With over ten years of expertise gearing up global gaming companies across emerging markets, EBANX has crafted the ultimate playbook to help your gaming business expand: “Exploring the Fastest-Growing Gaming Markets and The Power of Payments for Game Companies.”

By reading it, you will track down the following:

  • Valuable insights about the fastest-growing gaming markets

  • Strategic expansion opportunities

  • Key countries for gaming companies in 2024

  • The crucial role of payments and how players want to pay to play

  • Critical pain points and solutions for global gaming companies

Download Playbook