(GRI 3-3: Climate change)
In 2023, EBANX intensified its environmental strategy, proactively addressing the specific challenges that the technology and financial services sector face. Although environmental management currently has fewer implemented actions compared to other dimensions of the sustainability strategy, it remains a top priority. This focus is crucial due to the sector’s unique challenges and the need for a collective global effort towards a regenerative economy.
Dedicated to reducing its environmental impact and externalities, EBANX expanded its initiatives in 2023, emphasizing energy efficiency and the adoption of sustainable practices across its global operations. This commitment goes beyond simply meeting regulatory and market requirements, reinforcing its goal of acting in an ethical and responsible manner.
Building on work initiated in 2022, the company improved its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, providing a more accurate view of its emissions profile and identifying new opportunities for reducing and optimizing resource use.
The progress made over the past year highlights a strategic vision for the future, in which sustainable growth and technological innovation go hand in hand, reinforcing the alignment between EBANX's business goals and environmental preservation.
6.1 Carbon
(GRI 305-1; 305-2)
In 2023, EBANX inventoried its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the second time, following the globally recognized GHG Protocol. The inventory covered operations in Brazil, considering both direct (scope 1) and indirect (scopes 2 and 3) emissions.
Although the technology sector naturally generates lower GHG emissions than traditional industries, such as manufacturing or energy, it still contributes significantly to the global carbon footprint, particularly through the travel and mobility of professionals associated with these businesses. In addition, energy consumption for data storage and the disposal of electronic devices can have significant environmental impacts.
EBANX acknowledges these challenges and understands the importance of transparently and accurately monitoring and managing its emissions. It is committed to mitigating their impacts, particularly those from operations such as travel and cloud services.
2023 Emissions Inventory
Total GHG emissions:
1,226.77 tons of CO2e
Although EBANX is a global company, its headquarters and main operations are based in Brazil. With this in mind, the company adjusted its GHG emissions methodology in 2023 to better align to the Brazilian context, adopting the GHG protocol standard. Following this change, EBANX corrected the values reported in the previous report were corrected, resulting in a significant reduction in reported emissions. This reduction is primarily due to corrections in the 2022 calculations and Brazil’s predominantly hydroelectric energy matrix, which emits less CO2 than global averages. In addition, under scope 3, only the most relevant sources were considered, with data and calculation methods that avoid double counting and ensure greater accuracy.
Measuring results
(GRI 305-3; 305-4, EX18)
Scope 3 emissions accounted for the majority of the total emissions, particularly those related to business travel and the purchase of goods and services. This demonstrates the weight of these activities on EBANX’s environmental impact and the consequent need to develop mitigation plans.
EBANX GHG emissions were also analyzed from two perspectives: by revenue and by employee. These indicators allow the company to assess the environmental impact of its financial growth and identify opportunities for reduction, particularly those related to scope 3 emissions. These analyses are also crucial for formulating internal sustainability policies focused on reducing per capita emissions.
Future opportunities to reduce these emissions, which will be evaluated within the strategic sustainability plan, include incentives for suppliers to adopt low-carbon practices and encouraging employees to use more environmentally-friendly transportation.

6.2 Resource
(GRI 302-1; 303-1; 303-2)
EBANX's commitment to sustainability includes the conscious management of water and energy, aiming to minimize the impact of its operations on these vital resources.
All of the water EBANX uses comes from the municipal system and is essential for activities such as human consumption, cleaning, sanitizing, and plant irrigation. However, the buildings where the company operates currently lack systems for rainwater reuse.
At the present time, the company struggles to accurately measure water consumption at the Curitiba site, since the costs are included in condominium fees. Therefore, the data presented pertain only to the São Paulo office, where water consumption remained stable compared to the previous year. As EBANX's operations are predominantly administrative, impacts related to water use and disposal are considered minimal.
Likewise, energy consumption at the São Paulo and Curitiba offices remained stable compared to the previous year. To help mitigate impacts on this front, in 2024, EBANX announced a new partnership between the Curitiba office and the Sion Energy Cooperative. This partnership will supply renewable solar energy from the Aruna power plant, located in Cambará, Paraná. This initiative not only contributes to sustainability through the use of clean energy but will also save the company up to 15% on energy bills.
Awareness-raising initiatives
EBANX promotes efficient water and energy consumption in its offices through measures such as double-actuated flush valves, automatic pressure taps, LED lighting, and light sensors on switches. Together with internal awareness campaigns, these initiatives reinforce their commitment to sustainability and promote a culture of environmental responsibility among employees.
6.3 Waste
(GRI 306-1; 306-2)
EBANX adopts a careful and systematic approach to managing the waste generated in its operations. In the company's offices, different types of administrative waste are generated, including paper from printouts and notes, packaging from office supplies, as well as food waste and cleaning supplies.
At its Curitiba office, the company has implemented selective waste collection, encouraging the separation of paper, plastic, metal, organic waste, and glass. These materials are initially stored in areas designated for temporary storage along with waste from other companies that share the building. The commercial building's outsourced cleaning service is responsible for collecting and disposing of waste from common areas.
To ensure that waste is properly disposed of, the building has a partnership with a company that specializes in the collection and recycling or paper. This partnership ensures that paper is correctly reused, contributing to environmental sustainability and supporting local recycling cooperatives.
In 2023, 21,754 pages were printed at EBANX offices, an increase of 139% compared to the previous year, driven mainly by the return of in-person activities. To mitigate the impact of this growth, EBANX implemented digital document storage and launched awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of reducing paper use and properly separating and disposing of waste.

Circularity of equipment
In 2023, EBANX faced challenges in maintaining its electronic equipment circularity strategy, resulting in a reduction in machine reuse compared to 2022. Unlike the previous year, there were no internal bazaars for the reuse or sale of equipment, which had an impact on the circulation of devices.
Despite this, the company continued to prioritize extending the useful life of equipment and donated 35 computers to participants in the Códigos do Amanhã Program. With these lessons learned, EBANX intends to intensify its efforts in 2024, seeking to improve the efficiency and impact of its sustainability practices.
In the coming years, EBANX plans to strengthen the management of its environmental impact by integrating these initiatives directly into its core business activities. As part of this effort, EBANX will consolidate the sustainability goals for 2023--such as reducing water and electricity use, improving waste management, and reducing plastic consumption-- into a single, comprehensive strategy: the climate plan. This plan is being developed as part of the Strategic Sustainability Review.
The plan will include concrete actions to improve energy efficiency, encourage the use of renewable energy, and optimize waste and resource management, offering a holistic approach to environmental management at EBANX. Among the planned initiatives are the implementation of a shared garden and the replacement of plastic cups with biodegradable materials.
EBANX recognizes that managing GHG emissions effectively and using natural resources wisely are crucial for both sustainability and global growth. To uphold this commitment, EBANX will optimize travel and meeting planning, prioritize airlines that implement GHG reduction measures, and develop a plan to offset unavoidable emissions. The company will continue to improve its environmental practices, ensuring that its operations not only minimize impacts, but also make a significant contribution to preserving the environment.